Steroid users use a variety of terms when referring to steroids and include juice, gym candy, pumpers, stackers, Arnolds, and roids. The steroids, no matter what you call them, are mostly available online. Without a prescription, steroids are illegal to possess, but there are ways around the procurement of the gym candy. The alternate names makes the steroids sound like fun and games, but the question will always remain, are steroids really all fun and games?
The terminology exclusive to steroid use is as colorful and unique as the nicknames given the substance.
Blending means to mix different types of steroids, where as a non steroid user calls blending the art of mixing the optimum margarita.
The task of bulking up means to build muscle mass, and not visit certain stores to buy food and household goods in enough bulk to last year’s beyond their expiration date.
Cycling means to take the steroid of choice for a certain time frame and then stop for a certain time frame before starting up again. Some bicyclists use this term interchangabley when referring to a sport and a medication method.
Doping means using drugs to improve athletic performance, artificially of course, and in this case, the word is used as a verb rather than an adjective to describe the learning method found in a classroom taught by a less than qualified teacher.
A roid rage is an outburst of uncontrolled anger that takes place out of frustration and is a side effect of using steroids. Roid rage can be aimed at anyone for any reason and is usually the final straw for something silly and inconsequential. The term is also used to mean an outburst of anger even without the use of steroids. It is like the term “going postal.”
Stacking, and it has nothing to do with pancakes, means using a combination of steroids, along with a combination of other drugs. It should really be called death defying if the user survives and sheer stupidity if the user passes on to the big pharmacy in the sky.
The steroids delivery method is either an injection or the consumption of steroid pills. The method chosen depends on the preference of the user. Some steroid users would rather take a shot and be done with it, while those with needle phobia, but no phobia at all about steroids, would rather down a handful of pills with a protein shake.
Taking a steroid shot can be dangerous, unless the shot giver is experienced and knows how to place the shot safely and for its most effective results. The dangers of an injection are the needle may bend or break, the needle may not be injected into the muscle, if the needle is not clean infection will soon follow and disposing of the needles is a task that should be done safely. Some steroid users have zero concern for their fellow man and throw the needle out with recapping it. An injection could result in the area of the shot becoming inflamed and without proper care, could lead to infection.
Some of the warning signs of steroid use are unexplained mood swings, irritability, paranoid and jealously and breast development. Unfortunately, breast development affects men more than women, usually when taking Dianabol, so for women who like man boobs, you, my male steroid taking friend, are in luck.
Another warning sign of a steroid user is weight training and exercise when little or none took place prior to the steroids. The exercises and weight training will be aimed at building muscle more than weight control. Steroid users may try to disguise their weight training with body sculpting, but it will be apparent in no time at all the body sculpting means muscle building. Using steroids can be addictive o a degree, but once the muscle building is in full swing, it will take a lot of effort to maintain those muscles. That means steroids users become a slave to steroid use and once they stop, they become a shadow of their former self.